September 11, 2009

Symptom: Irritability

It's Friday evening. Brandon and I are getting ready to go out to dinner. I am in the bedroom finishing up my makeup when Brandon strolls in and asks, “What shall I wear to tonight?”

“I don’t know," I answer, "Whatever you'd like.”

In the mirror's reflection I see my beloved husband behind me wearing his favorite gray crewneck. He walks over to the closet, takes out a pair of jeans and slides them off the hanger. I look over my shoulder at him: “Brandon, I hope you are going to wear a button up shirt over your t-shirt.”

“Yeah, I will. Which one should I wear?”

“The light blue striped one. You know, you really need more ‘going out’ clothes.”

“I know.”

Suddenly irritated, I ask, “If you know, why is it that every time I point out outfits that would look great on you, your response is, 'Gay'?”

“I agree, I need new clothes. What is going on?”

“What do you mean, what is going on? I am just tired of hearing you refer to any clothes that are nice as gay!”

“Okay, calm down. What—"

"Calm down? What, we cannot have a normal conversation like two adults?"

Determined to stay on track, Brandon continues, "What are you talking about?”

“Yesterday, whenever I suggested something in the J. Crew catalog, you would glance at each picture and blurt out, ‘Gay!’”

“Julie, you know I am only giving you a hard time. As I’ve said before, I have no problem going out and getting some new things.”

“I hope so!" I shake my head and turn back to the mirror. "And your teasing needs to stop!”

“I said I will get new clothes. Okay?”

“I guess!”

Brandon zips up his pants and walks out of the room.

I yell down the hallway, “Brandon, you owe me an apology!”

For a second his footsteps stop but he does not turn around. He sighs, “No, you owe me an apology,” and then continues to walk away.

What just happened? Of course I am totally in the wrong and I know it. Remorseful, I put my eyelash curler down and follow after him.

Welcome to week seven.